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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Republican Roundup in Kane County Illinois

My asthma was under control for 3 full days this week, including most of Friday night. I used this time to take my two children to The Kane County Republican Roundup. It was a lot of fun, and thanks to my new friend Earl, a time to meet the GOP leaders for Kane County, Illinois. Didn't get a lot of eating done, but thanks to Earl I met a whole bunch of people, and made my first official contacts with other "brothers" as my 9 year old calls fellow Republicans....yes, he and my daughter are thouroughly indoctrinated.

The highlight of the evening was a handshake with Alan Keyes, just before he gave a rousing speech that brought the house to its' feet several times. He does fill a room with his presence. He has a rare ability to focus completely on the person he is talking to. When you talk to him, you truly do feel there is noone else in the room. It's a rare gift, and serves him well in one on one campaigning. It was a great evening, even though I had to leave early, and get home to take my nebulizer. Too many people, too little air in the room. Sigh. But it was worth it.

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